My Ockelbo !

The name Ockelbo, spelled De oklabo in 1314, contains an old marine name *Ukle, referring to modern-day Lake Bysjön. The name derives from the old Swedish word ukla, meaning 'swell, gain etc.', alluding to the rapid changes in the water level of the lake. The second part of the name, -bo, means district or region. Approximately 150 ancient monuments are registered, including several Stone Age settlements. The majority are, however, grave mounds from the late Iron Age and are located in seven grave-fields. One such example is the grave-field at Wij, which consists of 43 graves. Abundant discoveries of low technology iron slag bear witness to the long tradition of iron production in the area.

Ockelbo is primarily known for its basketball team, the annual summer and winter market, and the rose gardens in Wij Trädgårdar. Ockelbo is also known for Ockelbo-Lundgren. Ockelbo is also where Prince Daniel of Sweden, the husband of Crown Princess Victoria, grew up. Another Ockelbo native is Svante Stockselius, the executive supervisor of the Eurovision Song Contest.

My Beautiful Hometown !